
AI Creation, Crawling and Scraping, Editorial Writing
and Search Engine Optimization content services

B2B E-Commerce Content Library
and Content Capture / Creation Services

Your content is used in support of every opportunity - on your B2B E-Commerce website, in your datasheets, white papers and app notes, catalogs, advertisements and more. Presenting your content in the best methods possible greatly affects the marketing success of your company and its products.

Content is also one of the greatest challenges facing the launch of any marketing project. Our experienced content managers write, collect and organize data into databased formats to support any business requirement.

Our teams can be hired as needed or contracted annually to satisfy your data requirements. See below for exmaples of our platforms and services.


Resources & Services

Technical Writing / AI


Actual copy can be generated with withsome mix between AI and our technical writing teams. AI by itselfd can generate massive amounts of copy, but only a an experienced writing professional can ensure your messaging is on point. Our writrers and editorial staff will write, review and correct content to best satisfy your needs.

Search Engine Optimization


All our content resources are trained in best use of key words/phrases, heading, meta, alt and title tags to improve the indexability of your content.  Our teams can help research which terms are most popular within your market and implement content strategies to enhance page rank for your desired terms.

Crawl & Scrape


Our content team can map data from any available resource and develop robots to crawl, collect and index data, images and downloads.  Implement desired levels of quality control, our content teams will ensure that we collect the right data to drive your marketing requirements.

Data Entry / Cleanup


Sometimes your content is trapped in formats that don't allow for easy transfer and importing.  Other times the data is incomplete and requires a manager to finely review and update. Our content teams will put in the hours required to collect and organize your content into formats you may need now and into the future.

Standard Platforms

supporting the B2B E-Commerce, Sales and Marketing projects of distributors and manufacturers

PDF Re-Market

Embed ROI with direct links back to your site in every download



OPL Data

Specs, images & PDFs for 32M parts to populate your websites & catalogs




Manage projects & opportunities
up and down the sales channel


DistyMan Offices

Silicon Valley
+1 (408) 821-8283
[email protected]
New Delhi
+91 94100 60107
[email protected]
+603 7972 5186
[email protected]

Platform Links

- Web Suite
- PDF Re-Market
- OPL Data
- RegiMan


ISO 9001:2015 Qualified
Quality Management

ISO 27001:2013 Qualified
Information Security

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